Monday, March 16, 2009

Taylor's 7th Birthday Party

Okay, I am really, really slow posting pictures. I am going to try to catch up for the last couple months. :)
Taylor's seventh birthday was February 21st. Nick had to work that weekend, so sweet Taylor had her birthday party a week later. She had so much fun! She had some of her cute friends over after school. They unwrapped gifts, ate pizza and breadsticks, played with makeup, and watched Madagascar 2. Her friends that came were Hannah, Jentry, Kortnie, Brandi, Mandy, Brooklyn (her sister), and Brianna. The girls had a lot of fun. Taylor got so many cute things. I was very proud of her for including Brooklyn, in fact, all of the girls included Brooklyn in everyhting they were doing. Cooper had Whitney come over, so he wouldn't be too bored. They had fun riding bikes and playing outside.

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